Need your Avon products I can help-- Looking for a Business Opportunity give me a call.Avon Anew
Now there's an exciting and rewarding way to go into business for yourself. And no matter who you are, there are lots of reasons to become an Avon Representative. A great earnings opportunity. professional development. All centered on a high quality product line. Being an Avon Representative is what you make of it. Here are just some of your career options Leadership Representative Receive financial rewards through network marketing. Earn based on the success of those you recruit, appoint, train and motivate. eRepresentative Create your own website, keep track of customers and grow your own business online. Provide your customers with 24 hours/day; 7 days/week access to purchase your Avon products. Fundraising Inspire communities, organizations and charities to raise money through you. Add to the spirit of goodwill. Become an Avon Representative. Every step of the way, you'll be supported by the world's largest direct selling beauty company.
Keywords: Avon Anew skin so soft Perfume makeup Roll-ons Moisture therapy Easton free shipping Mark jewelry Fashion watches Hanes Bali Playtex Curves professional development Leadership Representative Business MLM networking business opportunity
Interview Q&A
How long have you been in business?
I have been an Avon Representative since 1993
What is your primary product or service?
Not only do I sell Avon Products but I also help others do the same.
How did you first become interested in your line of business? (if owner) - What is your background? (If owner or store manager)
A friend of my said I would make a great Avon Lady and for $20.00 I got started. Today you can get started right on line for $20.00 or in person for $10.00. Just an excellent way to become an business owner.
What type of payments do you accept?
Visa, MC, Discover, paypay
Which areas do you service?
With online you can log onto my store 24/7 or refer code (esears)